In 2030, Paris will be greater. If we all build it together.
In a little under 15 years, you will no longer be "going up to Paris". No, Paris will be coming to you, thanks to 200 km of extra Metro lines, 68 new stations and as many neighbourhoods that will be completely redesigned…
A bit too constricted inside the walls of the périphérique, the capital is getting ready to break its shackles. The Greater Paris Express is Europe's most ambitious urban project, according to BETC's president Rémi Babinet: "The upcoming Greater Paris Express Metro will be the engine of a transformation not seen since the 19th century. It is crucial to make this challenge known, to share it with local people so the project can take on its full social dimension. Thanks to creativity we can play, discuss and influence - and help write the story of Greater Paris itself."
To achieve this urban revolution, a Grand Paris Express endowment fund saw the light of day in May 2016. Its aim? To accept contributions from carriers, traders, sponsors, builders and ordinary residents who want to play a part in this grand metamorphosis.
In Paris, artistic performances are being planned for June under the supervision of Jérôme Sans (co-founder of the Palais de Tokyo) and José-Manuel Conçalvès (director of CENTQUATRE-PARIS), to celebrate the start of works. After all, a project like this really deserves a party.
The Grand Paris endowment fund is presided over by Rémi Babinet (BETC), who co-founded it with Xavier Lépine (La Française). Sitting on the board are a variety of economic and cultural actors including Mouloud Achour (journalist), François Barré (cultural expert with the Greater Paris Society), Jacques Bungert (Courrèges), Véronique Chatenay-Dolto (DRAC Île-de-France), Jean-Yves Le Bouillonnec (Deputy Mayor of Cachan, president of the Supervisory Council of the Société du Grand Paris), Amandine Lepoutre (La Société Anonyme), Lucie Maurel Aubert (Banque Martin Maurel),Catherine Perenet (Société du Grand Paris) and Philippe Yvin (president of the Directorate of the Société du Grand Paris).