YES, it’s still possible to flirt in 2018.

YES, it’s still possible to flirt in 2018.

Pathe Gaumont

Careful to not confuse a look and what it’s telling you.

Cinema is the delicate art of nuance, of emotion transcribed in the purest of ways. In cinema -up on screen or in our seats- we live another life. In cinema, we learn that a look can speak more clearly than a voice. And it's the same thing in real life - in the street, in a café, at home.

To the commentators drawing parallels between this film and that street brawl, try nuance. In the flirt, there’s the long and annoying phase of ice breaking that demands looks, gestures, attitudes, and requires respect and courage. Street brawls may carry the same outward signs, without the values of "respect", "courage", nor the notions of "insistence" or "repetition". And therein lies nuance.

In this film, there are looks, gestures, attitudes, respect, and courage… and then there is a sign. A green light made possible by proximity, established over time, all thanks to the great films shared together. All of this finally makes way for a final approach, to the seat next door...

... and the beginning of a great story.

Pathe Gaumont
Client since 2018


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