When lightning strikes, never think twice

When lightning strikes, never think twice


Four years on from "The Big Leap" and its passionate, free-fall kiss, Lacoste is back with an epic love story set on board a rather special train.

Special, because this train travels through time: starting off in the 1930s, the passengers' dress changes from one carriage to the next (meticulously costumed by Madelaine Fontaine, Oscar nominee for the film Jackie), and sweeps through decades of style, of which the Lacoste Polo shirt remains the immutable symbol.

Directed by Seb Edwards ("The Big Leap") and scored by contemporary musician Max Richter with his track "November", the film perfectly captures the emotion that drives us to achieve the impossible if only we listen to our hearts.

In playing this game of "Push me, pull you", Damien Chapelle might have been wiser to feign indifference to see if Dorcas Coppin would have come running off the train to find him. Given his urgent situation, we can't help but admire his physical prowess, while wondering if it wouldn't have been simpler if the couple had run along the platform instead. Simpler for sure, but far less spectacular for us.

The moral of the story: never stop running.

Client since 2004


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