Stereokids, the festival for kids that parents envy

Stereokids, the festival for kids that parents envy


Sick of the rubbish your kids listen to? Make a date at La Cigale on June.

You've had it stuck in your head all day long. You're whistling it at the coffee machine. You hate it. It's THAT song, the one the princess warbles incessantly in the halls of her frozen castle; the one your four year old daughter begs you to play on your tablet 32 times a day. Exhausting? Yes, but luckily there's a solution: Stereokids.

The brainchild of 4 parents (Pedro Winter, Justine Valletoux, Leslie David et Antoine Lampérière) with the help from Rémi Babinet and Vincent Malone of BETC, this one-of-a-kind festival is an opportunity for families to experience great music together. On the programme: Breakbot, Oxmo Puccino, Moodoid and DJ Pone.

Between performances, your kids can get an introduction to the joys of sampling and the analog keyboard at stands set up on the site. The legendary Cigale concert hall will be specially configured to welcome your offspring - of whose musical tastes you will no longer need to be ashamed. Free at last! Freee!
