Forget LSD. For a real trip, try these sushi.

Forget LSD. For a real trip, try these sushi.

Sushi Shop

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard the Sushishop LunchBox F.

Our destination today is your left frontal cortex and our flight time will be approximately 30 minutes. The forecast is fine for the duration of this mind-blowing sensory and psychedelic inner voyage with just a few flavour explosions expected as we approach the Temaki galaxy. On arrival we’re expecting warm weather with an inside temperature of 21°C and comfortable conditions on your sofa.

My name is BETC Shopper, I am your senior cabin steward. The cabin director Monsieur Laurent Bourdoiseau and the entire crew have the pleasure of welcoming you aboard this flight. It’s our job to ensure your comfort for the duration of this narration (that also work backwards) heading to the finest culinary sensations, thanks to an original selection from Pedro Winter. We would like to inform you that cabin crew members wearing the symbol of a fish inside a circle are responsible for table service. Mobile phones must now be switched off until arrival at our parking spot. Please take your chopsticks and ensure a proper hold between fingers.

On behalf of Sushishop and our partners, we would like to wish you a very pleasant trip.

Doors to automatic. Slides armed. Check the nearest exit. Tuck in.

Sushi Shop
Client since 2016