Finally, rock stars who don\'t trash their hotel room

Finally, rock stars who don't trash their hotel room


Rockers and hotel rooms have never really got along. John Bonham and the Château Marmont, Keith Richards and the Hyatt West Hollywood, Ash Frehley, Keith Moon - history records the relationship as tense, intoxicated and destructive - in a word: rock and roll.

To this list of legends, we can now add an exception: the story of the rock renaissance of franco-Californian band Naive New Beaters at the Ibis, Porte de Clichy. It's worth remembering, because while good hotels are always a great setting for celebrating success, they can also prove to be a tremendous comfort when the burden of fame gets too heavy to bear.

And that applies even if you're not in the habit of getting chased around by hysterical fans or shredding up the stage for hours on end. Whether your life is normally epic or epically normal, you deserve the same consideration.

Think about that the next time you tread the lobby of an Ibis hotel, because your own legend mcould be written just around the corner.

Client since 2012


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