Equality, diversity, solidarity - couldn’t that be the motto of BETC?

Equality, diversity, solidarity - couldn’t that be the motto of BETC?


From the very beginning, BETC has always been able to develop and grow thanks to the rich diversity of its talented “BETCers”.

1/ We’re all equal

In 2005, BETC made a commitment in favour of diversity and professional equality which has resulted in our being awarded the “Label Egalité”. This award has been evaluated  and renewed every 3 years by the independent body AFAQ-AFNOR. Expanding our commitments, in 2009 BETC signed the Parenthood Charter.

The issues for BETC regarding male/female equality are: favor diversity and take into account the company’s pronounced feminisation (64 % women) and rates of parenthood (44 % parents).

In concrete terms, what does that mean? Promote the advertising professions to attract the best male and female talent. Insure the neutrality of maternity leave in the career development of women. Prepare the departure and return of women on maternity leave to ensure this event is a stressless experience for the mother and well coordinated with her manager manager. On the father’s side, financing paternity leave at 3 times the monthly Social Security ceiling (about 9600 €).

2/ We’re all different

In 2013 BETC made a commitment as a signatory of the Diversity Charter. Today we are taking action particularly in the area of disability: diversification of recruitment sources, raising awareness with our various internal actors, training (managers, Human Resources, IRP), help with workplace adaptation and subcontracting with the protected / adapted sector.

At BETC we try to better understand disability, so every year the agency organizes several events to raise awareness for all our colleagues using a "ludo-educational" approach: relay races, walks in the dark, cooking with a disability, ... These events have proven a  success within the agency and  allow us to continue to foster a culture of openness towards the other.

In 2016, the move to Pantin is a new opportunity to implement  actions that focus more on the social mix: local sourcing, internships, job-hunting advice - these are some of the action plans under consideration

3/ All together

On a daily basis, BETC handles pro-bono clients with whom our colleagues have the privilege to collaborate (Reporters Sans Frontières, Amnesty International, Ni Putes Ni Soumises, Human Rights Watch, AIDES)

We also decided to encourage our co-workers to engage in humanitarian missions and made a commitment with Planète Urgence to send agency employees on Solidarity Leave. The principle: the worker takes 2 weeks vacation for the Solidarity Leave and BETC finances the cost of the trip and also offers 4 extra days off (2 for the training and 2 for the mission).

Several project types are possible: develop vocational training, support education or participation in an eco-volantary project. To date, over ten colleagues have taken advantage of this arrangement and have all returned transformed by this intense experience.



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