We do not just build our home, it is with her that we build ourself.
After the 2017 film "Life’s Adventure", Leroy Merlin takes a new strategic step with "A Life to Build", confirming its position as the top home brand in France.
The film tells the story of two people who, united by destiny, decide to build their lives together. It is probably the most poetic and philosophical DIY film you’ve ever seen
The couple discovers that if you look after a house it will look after you in return. Their home grows like a tree, with new branches making room for extensions as the family evolves. Rather than showing off tools and tricks, the film emphasises the emotional link between a house and a home and how building is also about building yourself.

"After making a house sail like a ship on the ocean, we gave ourselves an ambitious new challenge with Leroy Merlin. We wanted to touch on another universal and emotional metaphor. What is more symbolic than a tree to express life and the essential place that our homes take in each of our lives?” Olivier Apers — VP/Executive Creative Director at BETC.
Nicolai Fuglsig (Henry/MJZ) directed the ambitious production and Phedon Papamichael (Nebraska, Walk the Line) was the DOP. The set designs were created by the talented Christopher Glass (The Jungle Book, Apple Air Pods). The music "Bloodflow" is signed by Grandbrothers and the media strategy is orchestrated by Havas Media.
“At Leroy Merlin our mission is to support people’s house projects to allow everyone to live better at home.” Erwan Soquet, Brand Director at Leroy Merlin.