This website is published by BETC (RCS Bobigny n° 428 688 485), incorporated in France with limited liability and issue capital of 11 919 158,00
euros, headquartered at 1st to 13th rue de l’Ancien Canal, 93500 Pantin, France - (Tél. : +33 (0)1 56 41 39 38).
The website Managing Editor is Mrs. Charlotte Levy Frebault, Communications Director.
A joint production by BETC, BETC Digital, Havas digital Factory and 60 fps for the BETC group.
This website is hosted by BETC.
The content of this website is subject to the laws of France.
In accordance with the French data protection act, the Loi Informatique et Libertés n° 78-17 of January 6 ,1978, as amended by the act of August 6, 2004, personal data gathered via the website and subject to data processing have been notified to the French data protection agency, the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés. The data so collected are intended solely for the use of BETC or companies within the Group to which BETC belongs. By way of exception, BETC may, in certain circumstances, need to communicate such data to a third party. In such an eventuality, BETC undertakes to inform you and obtain your prior authorization to do so. In accordance with the French data protection act, the Loi Informatique et Libertés n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, oppose the use of, withdraw and correct the data concerning you. You may exercise this right at any time by submitting a request in writing to M. Valentin Feist at the following address: 1 rue de l’Ancien Canal, 93500 Pantin, or at the following e-mail address:
This website uses cookies (small data files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone when you browse websites). These cookies contain only non-personal data, purely for statistical purposes. BETC uses them to trace your browsing history on the website (pages consulted, date and time of consultation, etc.). Under no circumstances can this data be used to identify you personally; its sole purpose is to help us provide you with easier access to the services on offer and to enhance your experience of the website. You can refuse to accept cookies by setting your browser accordingly – details of how to do so are provided on the website of the French data protection agency, the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés (
BETC reserves the right at any time and without notice to modify, update, correct or delete all or any part of the website content and of these terms of use. BETC makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, timeliness or comprehensive nature of the information provided on the website and therefore accepts no liability for any inaccuracies or omissions in the information provided on the website.
Any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, of the website or any element thereof, without the prior consent in writing of BETC or of a company within the Group to which BETC belongs, is illegal and may constitute an infringement of copyright that may be actionable in civil or criminal law.
The names, trademarks and distinctive signs reproduced on this website are protected under trademark law. In accordance with French and international laws on intellectual property, any reproduction and/or use, in whole or in part, of one of the aforesaid names, trademarks or signs is strictly forbidden, unless prior written authorization is obtained from their owner. Besides, the name "BETC", as well as the names, the logotypes and commercial names of the companies of the Group are registered trademarks protected in each of the countries where these companies are implanted. Therefore no reproduction even partial, representation or imitation of the aforesaid trademarks can be made, except written authorization of BETC and the companies of the Group. Any breach of this obligation constitutes the offence of forgery exposing its author to legal proceedings.
This website includes links to other websites. BETC accepts no responsibility for the content of such websites or any links they might contain, or for the terms on which they operate (in particular their management of personal data). Subject to prior authorization from BETC, you may establish simple links pointing to this site. You may not use deep linking or framing (displaying a web page in a window on another website).
BETC undertakes to use its best efforts to ensure that this website is accessible at all times. BETC nevertheless accepts no responsibility in the event of difficulty accessing the website or interruptions to the connection, for whatever cause.
BETC specifically reserves the right to carry out any modification to the website it may see fit, without prior notice and even if access to the website is interrupted as a result.
Furthermore, BETC accepts no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage, including website unavailability, loss of data, damage, destruction or viruses affecting your computer system, and/or for the presence of any virus on the website. Internet users should take all appropriate measures to protect their computer hardware, data and software, in particular against computer viruses.
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