Back in favor amongst French ears, podcast is now considered a pleasurable (and rather intelligent) moment to fill your journeys, workouts, and seemingly endless waits.
One might assume (albeit naively) that creating the next big podcast is simple – just two microphones & a few voices around a table, captivating an audience (a growing one, we hope) around a niche topic of interest. This may not be the case. In France, 95% of podcast scene is dominated by radio emissions, while the remaining 5% is what we call “native podcast”.
There thus exists an entire audience to touch and migrate away from the beloved codes of traditional radio, onto more exotic lands where creativity meets relevance (and takes nothing away from the auditory pleasures of the intimate speaking voice). And it’s within this latter category that the podcasts of Le Poste Générale reside, their antennas emitting proudly from the ground floor of Les Magasins Généraux.
Their latest adventure is nearly a family affair, as none other than Olivier Vigneaux and Sebastien Houdusse (CEO and DGA of BETC Digital, respectively) sat down with Vincent Malone (founder of the Le Poste Générale) and journalist Felix Barres to explore the burning subject of artificial intelligence and the everyday impacts it has on our lives.
The first episode is all about facial recognition. So, if you have a face and understand french (we hope you do), we wish you a happy listening!