For the last few months, a number of young people, good sports and apparently with no claustrophobia issues, have chosen to lock themselves inside riddle-filled “labyrinth flats” from which they have to escape in less than one hour. If they should fail, a tragic fate awaits them. It’s called Escape Game.
For thousands of years, there’s been another labyrinth full of puzzles, from which escape in less that an hour is seemingly impossible: growing up. Also known as life, and that’s a game, too; just a bit more serious.
Which is why - and you saw this coming a mile away - LOTO has combined the two by inviting the public to play a mini version of Escape Game. It’s their way of bringing to life their tag line “6 numbers is all it takes” and their new strategy - liberation from the limits of daily life - for a younger demographic.
For the first sixteen days of April, locked in a student flat, the goal was to solve the challenges of their surroundings, with the fastest team winning six months’ rent.
We might not be students any more, but we wouldn’t mind giving it a try!