"Life is a Beautiful Sport", Lacoste's new signature, comes to life in an epic new film.
What's the difference between the man getting ready to jump out of a plane and the man leaning towards a girl to kiss her for the first time? At best, a parachute. Sometimes, nothing at all. In either case, you stop breathing, your heart races and you make a leap of faith, hoping for a soft landing. Because life is a sport; the most beautiful sport of all.
To bring this idea to life, the film "Big Leap" blends images of these two sublime challenges - the leap into empty space and the kiss. Directed by Seb Edwards, starring Paul Hamy to an epic remix of the track "You & Me" by the Australian artist Flume, the film was unveiled at an avant-première during the Winter Olympics on February 7th 2014, then aired worldwide in March.

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