Mix up your TV programmes and leave them to simmer for hours on end

Mix up your TV programmes and leave them to simmer for hours on end

Canal +

To obtain the crème de la crème of TV, proceed as follows:

Take 2 or 3 T-Rex eggs,

Whip up a futuristic setting,

Melt 4 large spoonfuls of international football in a cast-iron skillet,

Chop cartoons and sauté them in science fiction oil,

Add 3 good measures of action movie,

Grate the car chases,

Peel and reduce the medieval series,

Sprinkle over a generous measure of documentaries

To finish, deglaze with Channel 4

Like fine cuisine, dishing up the best of TV requires quality ingredients, in other words, the best channels.

Fire up the oven! But do your shopping first on the Epicerie Canal

Canal +
Client since 1999