Creative CRM exists. We\'ve seen it.

Creative CRM exists. We've seen it.

"Is CRM on the threshold of a creative revolution?" That's the big question asked of Ivan Beczkowski by the La Réclame blog in its April Innovation Dossier.

Time's up for old-school CRM, with its stamped loyalty cards and its collections of lame gifts. Today, brands take care their customers, are eager to seduce them daily with fun experiences, mobile content and new services.

Using DanOn and the Interactive Form from Canal+ as examples, La Réclame revisits the influence of Mobile and the conversational interface in creating super-proximity between brands and consumers. It reveals that a good CRM programme is a living CRM programme, designed to integrate multiple technical skills (data, SI, marketing, branding), and prioritizing creativity above all.

The detailed CRM and Creativity dossier can be read online at La Réclame.


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