Ever since the vacuum cleaner scene of Mrs Doubtfire, you've suspected it. Now, with Cillit Bang, it's confirmed: housework and show business are not mutually exclusive. Welcome to Cleantertainment.
We've all done it. you're wearing yourself out scouring a stubborn sink and cursing whoever it was that invented toothpaste, when a song comes on the radio that provokes a sudden desire to bougie. Your foot starts tapping the tiles, then your whole body follows suite. You can already see yourself on stage dancing it up in front of thousands of fans. All of a sudden, housework is cool.
In this new campaign, cleaning products brand Cillit Bang pushes the idea of Housework Show Business even further. Goaded on by Flashdance's "She’s a Maniac", a worker transforms cleaning a warehouse into an acrobatic dance session. Makes sense: the hero of the film, Daniel Cloud Campos, is also one of Madonna's star dancers. So he can shake his stuff almost as well as you.