Cinema: watch here or take away?

Cinema: watch here or take away?

Air France

The plane's about to land and you haven't finished your film? With Cinema To Go by Air France and BETC, it's not a problem.

Will the heroine, charming but obstinately single, end up in bed with the osteopath she's been eyeing-up for the last several months? You'd love to find out. But your flight touched down just before the climax of the romantic comedy you were watching, leaving you full of both major doubts (was he really right for her?) and smaller niggles (it's a sciatic - wouldn't it have been better to go straight to surgery? By the way, wouldn't a surgeon be a better catch than a chiropractor?) So many unanswered questions. Maybe you should stay on the plane for the return flight? Worth considering, but it so happens there's a better and simpler alternative. Thanks to "Cinema to Go", a free extra from Air France, you can pick up the film where you left off - on your smart phone, your tablet or your PC.

The offer, coinciding with the 36 year anniversary of the airline's partnership with the Cannes festival, took place from the 7th til the 21st May on the Paris/Los Angeles route. It comprised of an exclusive collection of Cannes festival award-winning works such as Persepolis, The Angel's Share, The Artist, The Pianist. We're still waiting for The Osteopath.

Air France
Client since 1999

