Le Cargo will soon be welcoming to Paris the most exciting start-ups from the Old Continent, which won't be keeping that name for long.
Le Cargo will be an innovation platform dedicated to the digital, cultural and creative industries. In concrete terms, it's a 15,000 m2 space on Boulevard Macdonald whose doors are open to everyone who wants to push back limits.
A synergy of young companies in 3D animation, video games and digital press, match-making for large corporations and seedling businesses, turning innovative ideas into viable structures: Paris & Co and their partners (BETC, Boulanger, EM Lyon, Médiamétrie and Vivendi) have big plans.
Candidacy will be open from next April 7th until May 18th to recruit these stakeholders. On offer: an incubation pack (offices, logistical service, business tutoring), access to financing through Paris Innovation Amorçage (subsidies up to €30,000) and privileged access to the founding members for networking.
All information on candidacy can be found here: http://bit.ly/1Ygz1wo
This partnership expresses BETC's desire to innovate, started with the creation of the BETC Startup Lab cell. Since 2011, this strategic and creative consultancy has already fostered the emergence of brands like Le Slip Français, Gemmyo, Le Petit Ballon and Hello Merci, and is getting ready to welcome many more at its new offices, beginning in the summer of 2016. Rémi Babinet, BETC president: "Culture, creation, innovation - they are at the core of our vision as an agency. The purpose of our partnership with CARGO is obvious: how best to tie the energy of creative start-ups to the challenges of brand creation to build truly future-facing projects."