A dancer like no other

A dancer like no other

La parole aux sourds

The advent of the Internet has paved the way for a new generation of talent, free thinkers, and offbeat personalities – each finding their audience.

In fact, being niche is now an asset for those with a voice and things to say – safely distanced from the formats imposed by the traditional entertainment industries.

But what about those who - due to a disability- live silently, expressing themselves without a sound?  It becomes more difficult to command attention and share one’s daily whereabouts, life, dreams, or thoughts when limited to solely writing about them.  Yet in 2018, more than 70 million deaf and hard of hearing people rely on sign language to communicate.

It was through the collaboration of the association La Parole aux Sourds and deaf English dancer, Billy Read, that the idea for a new kind of music video was born: the first clip in which the lyrics are danced rather than sung.  French group Haute then took charge of adorning Billy's gestures, giving Unsilenced a double reading.  Discover the full experience on https://unsilenced.fr/

La parole aux sourds
Client since 2018


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